
Saving up for a big purchase, earning and investing so that the profit allows you not to worry about money — isn’t this what many of us dream of? But often we manage to achieve only a certain amount of savings and we seem to hit an invisible ceiling, everything honestly acquired is immediately spent on all sorts of nonsense. Why this happens and how to overcome this barrier, says psychologist and banker Irina Romanenko.

Unfortunately, the mental and behavioral patterns of successful people or the psychology of wealth remain behind the scenes of modern psychological research. This is understandable: the rich do not need these studies, and psychologists are mainly focused on helping people with neurotic disorders, resentment towards themselves and loved ones, helping people who are under constant stress and who are overcome by obsessive fears.

However, under the layering of various psychological factors, the basic problems of the individual are always hidden — faith, love and self-acceptance. It is these problems that often lead a person to the inability to adapt in a team, take responsibility, show their leadership qualities, captivate other people, start their own project or business.

As a result, personal problems are exacerbated by financial ones. People vegetate for years in an unloved job, feel their own uselessness, uselessness, lose their meaning in life. Sometimes just being aware of your negative thought pattern helps stop it.

The psychological characteristics of entrepreneurs could well be the subject of separate studies.

But sometimes the development of beliefs, the acquisition of the necessary information, contacts and knowledge do not give the desired result. The most difficult stage for many is overcoming the fears and doubts that block action, move forward and nullify our motivation. It is in this area that psychologists could provide an invaluable service to people who have reached the ceiling in their careers and are taking their first steps in business and investment.

I often work with directors and business owners who are tired of the constant pressure from their management teams, the stress of competition, and the economic and political instability in our markets. They need competent psychological support, but they will trust only those psychologists and consultants who themselves have experience in successfully resolving complex business situations and understand investment strategies.

Unfortunately, there are no psychologists among successful entrepreneurs and investors, and there are almost no successful entrepreneurs and investors among psychologists. The skills and psychotypes of people in these two worlds are too different. Successful people in business are psychologically different from ordinary people in that:

  • more than others think about where and how to make money;
  • pragmatic and realistic;
  • tend to calculate situations many steps ahead and act quickly;
  • are sociable and know how to dispose of people;
  • know how to convince people and influence them;
  • always speak clearly and directly about what they want from others;
  • in a difficult situation, their thoughts are directed to finding a solution;
  • they are not inclined to blame either themselves or others for their failures;
  • able to get back on their feet after failure and start again;
  • looking for opportunities even in times of crisis;
  • set high goals, believe in them and go to them, despite the obstacles;
  • for them there is no difference between the necessary and the desired, and between the desired and the possible.

This list is by no means complete. The psychological characteristics of entrepreneurs could well be the subject of separate studies and publications.

For many of my clients, increasing their own “money limit” becomes a challenge. I think many of you have noticed the fact that it is difficult to form money capital above a certain very specific amount. As soon as the magic amount is reached, there immediately arises an irresistible desire or need to spend it. And this situation is repeated over and over again.

There is a psychological phenomenon that I call the money limit. For each person it is different, but it is connected with the fact that in our unconscious, under the influence of family history, personal experience and the influence of the environment, a “sufficient amount” has formed, above which it makes no sense for our brain to strain. It is possible to expand this limit only by explaining to the unconscious why we need more money.

The more you believe in what you are doing, the more often you are in the resource, the faster your goals are realized

In itself, this question is closely related to the belief in what we do or, in Viktor Frankl’s words, to our «striving for meaning.» When we manage to convince the unconscious part of the psyche in the great sense of what we are doing, and «justify» the necessary amount of financial resources that is needed to implement plans, most of the fears and blocks on this path crumble by themselves.

Energy arises, motivation based on faith in the cause increases. You cannot sit still, you act, constantly make plans and welcome the new day with joy, because it gives you a chance to bring your ideas and plans to life.

Your goals are realized by themselves, the right people appear in your life and the right events occur at the right time. You are in a resource, on your own wave and are able to achieve a lot in a short time. It is easy for you to captivate people, because people are drawn to you, your energy, faith. This state is the basis of the psychology of success and wealth.

The more your faith in what you are doing, the more often you are in the resource, the faster the goals are realized, the higher the life results. To achieve this state and remove the «money limit», I suggest the following steps:

Technique: Increasing the Money Limit

Etap 1. Determine the level of your current expenses per month by item (housing, food, transport, clothing, education, entertainment, recreation, etc.).

Etap 2. Determine your current monthly income level.

Etap 3. Determine the net cash flow per month that you can allocate to savings or investments (monthly income minus monthly expenses).

Etap 4. Decide How long of this amount you will save, How long to invest, and with what possible return.

Etap 5. Sum up the possible cash flow per month from investments and savings. Does this stream cover your ongoing costs that you identified in step 1? Can you already afford not to work and live off your investment income and the interest on your savings?

If yes, then you have already achieved financial freedom and you do not need to read further this article.

Etap 6. If this is not the case, then calculate How long and for how many years you need to accumulate your fixed capital at the current level of income and expenses, so that income from savings and investments covers the level of your current expenses.

Etap 7. If you also need to fund a project, business idea, or purchase, factor that amount into the calculations above and add it to your equity capital.

Etap 8. Ask yourself the question: do you really need a purchase, business or project? How will you feel when you get what you want?

Etap 9. To do this, visualize your purchase and / or the result of the project in the material world (house, car, yacht, travel, education for children, your business, income from an investment portfolio, etc.).

Etap 10. Ask yourself how you feel when you see yourself getting what you want in the real world. Describe in detail, as a foreigner who does not understand your language well, how you feel when you imagine that you have realized this goal in the material world.

Etap 11. If you do not experience anxiety and discomfort, then your goal is “green” for you and the unconscious will not block it.

Etap 12. If there is anxiety, then you need to figure out what blocks and scares you. If the fear is strong, then sometimes it is worth reconsidering the goal or lengthening the deadline for achieving it.

There are also special techniques for working with fears. However, often the very awareness of fear allows you to gently resolve the unconscious conflict.

By the time you have tested yourself with steps 9-12, your wish will already be a conscious intention. At the same time, you will understand and accept the fact that in order to realize your intention, you need a very specific amount of money. And this will mean that your money limit has already been mentally «broken». In this case, you can be congratulated: you are ready for the next step — creating a strategy and tactics on the path to financial freedom.

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